Venture Forward

Accelerating the Evolution of Canada’s Public Venture Market

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TSX Venture Exchange launched Venture Forward in June 2022 with the aim of strengthening Canada’s vibrant and vital public venture ecosystem by identifying priority challenges and opportunities, and developing a comprehensive action plan to achieve sustainable, long-term success.

Following an in-depth, year-long consultation process, TSXV has produced a comprehensive new report that outlines our commitments to innovation and growth, and to clearing a path for new companies and investors to enter our ecosystem. These measures are focused on increasing efficienciesaccelerating transaction timelines, and reducing costs for issuers.



As we venture forward, TSX Venture Exchange is guided by our purpose to make markets better and empower bold ideas. We look forward to working collaboratively with you and the entire community to deliver on the commitments we’ve made, and to support the continued success of Canada's public venture market.

Materially accelerate the listing and capital-raising timeline for our most advanced new listing applicants  >  View Details


Redesign the TSXV listing process and increase digital access to Exchange products, services, and resources


Encourage innovation and provide support for listing unique businesses or transaction structures  >  View Details


Explore the need for a complementary market to attract a new category of early-stage companies and investors





Materially accelerate the listing and capital-raising timeline for our most advanced new listing applicants

>  View Details

TSX Venture Exchange launched Venture Forward in June 2022 with the aim of strengthening Canada’s vibrant and vital public venture ecosystem by identifying priority challenges and opportunities, and developing a comprehensive action plan to achieve sustainable, long-term success.

Following an in-depth, year-long consultation process, TSXV has produced a comprehensive new report that outlines our commitments to innovation and growth, and to clearing a path for new companies and investors to enter our ecosystem. These measures are focused on 
increasing efficiencies, accelerating transaction timelines, and reducing costs for issuers.


Redesign the TSXV listing process and increase digital access to Exchange products, services, and resources


Encourage innovation and provide support for listing unique businesses or transaction structures

>  View Details


Explore the need for a complementary market to attract a new category of early-stage companies and investors

As we venture forward, TSX Venture Exchange is guided by our purpose to make markets better and empower bold ideas. We look forward to working collaboratively with you and the entire community to deliver on the commitments we’ve made, and to support the continued success of Canada's public venture market.

In the report, you will also read about six additional commitments designed to enhance TSXV’s position as the global leader in supporting small and medium-sized public companies.

In the report, you will also read about six additional commitments designed to enhance TSXV’s position as the global leader in supporting small and medium-sized public companies.

 TSX Venture Exchange is pleased to share an update on the 10 commitments that we made to ensure TSXV remains the world's leading public venture market. Our interactions with market participants are ongoing, and the need to evolve and adapt remains at the heart of what we do in order to empower entrepreneurs and investors.


June 27
1:00-1:45 pm ET


TSX Venture Exchange is pleased to share an update on the 10 commitments that we made to ensure TSXV remains the world's leading public venture market. Our interactions with market participants are ongoing, and the need to evolve and adapt remains at the heart of what we do in order to empower entrepreneurs and investors.